Usually I really enjoy my Sundays. Get up early, go to church in the barn, visit a bit, then usually we come home and hang out with the girls and together.
Not this Sunday.
Oh nooo...It all began last night when we decided not to attend church this morning cause Lee had to work yesterday and we have both just been exhausted. So no church. And that was the crack in the dam.
Speaking of dams, that is where Lee is at. Right now. Fishing at the dam. Where he also was on Friday night when the girls were spending the night at Gammy's and we were supposed to be spending some quality time with each other. The very same dam that he got a ticket at on Friday night. Oh the dam.
Anyways. No church. Then his cousin shows up. I got suspicious. Turns out my suspicious were correct and they were plotting something. What you may ask?? To go to the dam of course!
That is how it all started. Terrible long boring stressful day.
So here I am. Three kids and me. But it is alright. You know why?? Cause I will get revenge for being alone all weekend. Sweet revenge. Ha ha.
Ok. Yes I know that I'm going a little overboard here.
Next weekend however is our six year anniversary. Can you believe it? Six years you might be saying right now..How did they make it? Well le me tell you a little secret. It isn't easy! But we proved about 90% of people wrong. Some people ( I wont go into the logistics) said we wouldn't make it one year!
Myself personally I will have to restrain myself to make it to 5 years 360 days!